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Featured article
2 hours ago
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Brothers and Sisters
This is one of my favourite pieces, probably because it was the first family I worked with. The S...
Feather From a Dove
Floating feather from released doves in domed watch glass.
We had such a special day for our...
Tiger Lilly
This bracelet and Pendant was made from the Petals of Thomas’s funeral. I was so surprised that t...
Picture Frame
These three pendants were made for 3 small children, two girls and a boy. Contains hair of their...
Hair to Ashes in a Capsule
I really like this tiny capsule! Its only 40mm X 7mm. I think its very discrete and looks quite...
Pandora’s box
In classical Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman on Earth. Zeus ordered Hephaestus, the...